Sunday, May 30, 2010

eLearning: A world of digital learning

eLearning has been around for quite some time. All of us computer savy individuals have experienced eLearning in some way or the other. Currently, what you are doing can also be called as eLearning. Putting it in exact words, eLearning is learning using electronically aided materials. Previously, it was limited to computer based learning, however, with the expansion and development of the mobile technology learning can now successfully step into the world of mobile too. This concept of mobile phone commonly called as cell phone is called as ‘mLearning.’ Thus eLearning can now be called as eLearning as the restrictions to learning have been eliminated.

eLearning has been around for quite a long time. The birth of eLearning was during World War II when there was a need to train large number of soldiers for warfare strategies. Considering the time-crunch (and also the reducing human resource due to war) there was a need to train and implement quick learning among soldiers without the presence of dedicated training faculties. Definitely, with computers being an extinct technology at that point in time, various measures were taken to embed eLearning among soldiers. An example of this would be written tasks- now called as Job Aids. A practical example of job aids is the help pop-up window that opens when your press the F1 key.

With the boost of technology, reduction in cost, and the time limitations, eLearning has grown like never before. This change has not been sudden. eLearning existed even in the days of pen and paper when computers had not seeped in as much they have now. Remember watching the mathematical calculations on UGC. Although, now these calculation can be easily understood with an elearning module dedicated to mathematical calculation, but that itself was the start of eLearning.

eLearning can be defined as learning in a controlled environment without the presence of a physical instructor wherein technology takes the role of an instructor. However, technology is not only associated with only computers and can be even on a television (like the UGC teaching I mentioned above) or even on radio and the latest trend- cell phone learning: mLearning. It is a misnomer that we associated elearning with computers. eLearning can take various forms though primarily its learning with the use of computers. However, in recent times there has been a steep growth in the concept of mLearning.

mLearning is mobile learning. Mobile = Cell Phones. More than 90% of the educated population (in my opinion a 100%) possess cell phones. Out of the 90% around 50+ possess smart phones. This has now led to restricted learning on computers to mobile/cell phones with learning now portable in pockets and purses. (Purses for the ladies ;)~. Thus with the ever growing technology and with recent innovations, learning is not just restricted to job aids on paper, or WBT or print media. The field of learning has now spread out its wings wherever technology goes. Thus, looking from an eLearning perspective technology leads learning and learning follows technology. Its something that will continue and will make it more challenging for all living and breathing in the world of eLearning.

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