Friday, November 26, 2010

Component Display Theory [CDT]

The core of any eLearning package is content. Content plays the lead role for any eLearning course or package to be developed. As eLearning began shaping up, one the key aspects faced by ID or content developers was classification of content. M.D Merill provides a solution for this challenge which is known as the Component Display Theory (CDT). CDT is useful as it classifies the data and helps the ID to take pre-planned measures to provide optimum instruction treatment.

CDT categorises content into the following types:-

  • Facts

  • Concepts

  • Principles

  • Procedure

Let’s discuss each of these points one by one.

  • Facts

    Facts are statements-content which cannot be altered. They are a set of statements that are bond together in a logical format. A fact may be a truth or a lie.
    In general, facts are always truths. There are no attachments or braches to a fact. A fact is a stand alone statement which has been supported with evidences.

    Example: India got its freedom on the 15th of August, 1947.

  • Concepts

    A concept is an idea that corresponds to a peculiar set of characteristics. Each concept has a set of characteristics that defines a boundary for an object to be classified under a concept.

    Example: The concept of superheroes and villains.

  • Principles

    A principle defines a cause-effect relationship. Principle helps us to understand the behaviour of an object in a defined environment.

    Example: The principle of relativity.

  • Procedures

    Procedures are a set of steps that need to be followed to achieve a desired outcome. Procedures lay down a clear path; defines a sequence to achieve a desired outcome or a goal.

    Example: The admission procedure in a college.

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